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How to Access Nested Property in JavaScript?

Access Nested Property in JavaScript

Access Nested Property in JavaScript

In modern web development, JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is the most common format employed for exchanging data between a client and a server. Most of the time, the data we work with is at more than one level, and as much as the properties of these nested working data have to be accessed properly, every JavaScript programmer must master the techniques for doing so. In this article, you will learn how to access nested property in JavaScript using real-life examples. Edge cases and best practices will also be explained.

Understanding JSON and Object in JavaScript

Designed to be human-readable, JSON is a minimal, text based format with little use of the markup words. Parsing and generating this is also not a problem for computers. The JSON data in JavaScript is generally models in the form of objects and arrays.

Let’s do a quick refresher on JavaScript objects and arrays:


const person = {  
  name: "Alice",  
  age: 25,  
  address: {  
    city: "Wonderland",  
    zip: "12345"  


const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

Accessing Properties

The most common methods of accessing the properties of JavaScript object types are vas dot notation and bracket notation.

Dot Notation:

const cityName =;

Bracket Notation:

const cityName = person["address"]["city"];

In situations when the property name consists of invalid character(s), or the property name is held in a variable and not typed, this Code is best suited.

Real-World Example

Let us take an example where user data should be retrieved from an API and the user’s contact information should be presented on a page. Sometimes you can be provided the following JSON structure:

  "user": {  
    "profile": {  
      "details": {  
        "name": "John Doe",  
        "age": 30,  
        "contact": {  
          "email": "",  
          "phone": "+1234567890"  

Accessing Nested Properties

We address two fundamental processes of JSON usage inside Javascript – retrieval and manipulation.

async function fetchUserData() {  
  let response = await fetch('');  
  let data = await response.json();  
  return data;  

Next, we access the nested properties to get the user’s contact information:

async function displayUserContact() {  
  let data = await fetchUserData();  
  // Using dot notation  
  let email =;  
  let phone =;  
  console.log(`Email: ${email}`);  
  console.log(`Phone: ${phone}`);  
  // Displaying this information on the web page  
  document.getElementById('user-email').textContent = email;  
  document.getElementById('user-phone').textContent = phone;  

Handling Missing Properties

With deep structures, there is always a possibility of some properties being absent and thus, runtime errors would result. To avoid this type of problem, JavaScript has an optional chaining operator (?.) :

let email = data.user?.profile?.details?.contact?.email || "Email not available";  
let phone = data.user?.profile?.details?.contact?.phone || "Phone not available";  

Traversing the properties

If any of the objects needs the all the properties or even elements of the all the arrays, javascript has a provision for performing this several ways:

const person = { name: "Alice", age: 25, city: "Wonderland" };  
for (const key in person) {  
  if (person.hasOwnProperty(key)) {  
    console.log(`${key}: ${person[key]}`);  

On the other hand, one may combine Object.keys and Object.entries for a more elegant sample:

Object.keys(person).forEach(key => {  
  console.log(`${key}: ${person[key]}`);  
Object.entries(person).forEach(([key, value]) => {  
  console.log(`${key}: ${value}`);  


In the case of arrays, the for…of  loop or forEach method is desirable.

const fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"];  
for (const fruit of fruits) {  
fruits.forEach(fruit => {  

Handling Dynamic Property Names

On the other hand, if the property names for the object are either dynamic or not known until that time, that is when properties are accessed using bracket notation:

const property = "name";  
const personName = person[property];  
console.log(personName); // Output: Alice  

Recursively Accessing Nested Properties

At times, what will be the depth of the nesting may not be known. In such instances, a recursive function would be appropriate to use:

function getNestedValue(obj, keys) {  
  return keys.reduce((acc, key) => (acc && acc[key] !== 'undefined') ? acc[key] : null, obj);  
const keys = ["user", "profile", "details", "contact", "email"];  
const email = getNestedValue(data, keys);  
console.log(email); // Output:  


Among the programming tasks concerning nested properties in the JavaScript language is a core task for any developer dealing with complex data structure. Mastering the dot notation, bracket notation as well as recursive accessing methods helps in parsing and manipulating deep nested JSON structures in an easier way. Guarantees that low level issues like missing properties are taken care of to reduce build applications with bugs.

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